Valentin Albillo's HP Collection

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HP Calculator Selected Threads

During the time I was active in the old Museum of HP Calculators (very active since May 9th, 2001) I posted some 1,897 posts and created 136 threads over the years, and since I've signed up to the new version I've posted several hundred more. As searching for a particular post in the old forum can be quite time-consuming (and even a hit-or-miss affair if you're not quite sure about the exact description of what you're trying to find), I've included here a selection of the 150 Best threads either directly created by me or featuring some of my best posts, carefully chosen one by one to include most of my allegedly very best posts, mainly the ones where I discuss programming techniques, math algorithms and topics, or give useful routines and program snippets to illustrate or solve some problem or other peoples' challenges.

The selection features also some threads which do not include any posts from me but where some of my posts or articles are extensively discussed by others, or include substantial discussions about me or my circumstances. Also, though the threads in the selection are usually included in full in the PDF, a number of them are trimmed to include only the parts relevant to me or my posts or which are necessary for comprehension. The reason is that many, many threads usually stay focused for a while but then digress enormously, with hundreds of subsequent posts having nothing to do with the original subject at all. I see no need to include such threads in all their length and so I trim them to just the relevant parts, which makes for much less space used and much more convenience afforded. In any case, the full-length thread can be consulted if desired without further search, as I give every thread's original URL in their own PDF.

Last but not least, these threads also do not include the ones I created to post my Challenges of all kinds, which you can find in the HP Calculator Challenges Category in this site. I might add to the selected threads in the future, so keep your eyes peeled !

PDF HP Thread VA000 - HP-41-42 style RPN challenge

PDF HP Thread VA001 - hp 71b

PDF HP Thread VA002 - HP71 ROM module functions A

PDF HP Thread VA002b - 11c Voyager

PDF HP Thread VA002c - I email HP about need a 41CX

PDF HP Thread VA002d - HP-71B

PDF HP Thread VA002e - RPN RPL - What

PDF HP Thread VA003 - HP-65 helped discover Feigenbaum number

PDF HP Thread VA004 - Tradeoff dynamic allocation vs More Memory

PDF HP Thread VA005 - Trigonometrics in financial applications

PDF HP Thread VA006 - Speed

PDF HP Thread VA007 - General Voyager display question

PDF HP Thread VA008 - My First eBay burn

PDF HP Thread VA009 - Quiz Evaluating polynomials

PDF HP Thread VA011 - New HP Calculators

PDF HP Thread VA013 - 12c Platinum Perpetuity challenge

PDF HP Thread VA015 - Eigenvalues on 42S

PDF HP Thread VA016 - HP-11C Solutions Handbook Errata

PDF HP Thread VA018 - Improvement on HP-45

PDF HP Thread VA020 - Favorite Calculator

PDF HP Thread VA022 - No RPN calcs anymore

PDF HP Thread VA024 - Mach number RPN vs Algebraic

PDF HP Thread VA025 - RPN vs AOS GOOD examples

PDF HP Thread VA026 - HP-71 Math Pac Manual (Spanish)

PDF HP Thread VA027 - Reverse Engineering HP Solve

PDF HP Thread VA028 - HP-41CX to PC connection

PDF HP Thread VA029 - HP 32S vs HP32SII

PDF HP Thread VA030 - Sorting on a 12C

PDF HP Thread VA031 - 15c or 32s which is better

PDF HP Thread VA032 - 49gplus first impressions

PDF HP Thread VA033 - Re Therapy Please repeat after me

PDF HP Thread VA034 - Humor - Eavesdropping at KinHPo

PDF HP Thread VA035 - Your Favourite Calculator

PDF HP Thread VA036 - What is your OWN favorite RPN program

PDF HP Thread VA037 - Scanning advice needed

PDF HP Thread VA038 - Hyperbolics with the Advantage

PDF HP Thread VA039 - RPL challenge area between 2 curves

PDF HP Thread VA040 - Douglas Adams and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

PDF HP Thread VA041 - HP 33s - Dead or Alive

PDF HP Thread VA042 - Programming astronomical data

PDF HP Thread VA043 - Geometric progression

PDF HP Thread VA044 - A simple question on trading

PDF HP Thread VA045 - Solution times for matrix problems

PDF HP Thread VA046 - Exp A where A is a Matrix

PDF HP Thread VA047 - More Matrix Results HP and TI Machines

PDF HP Thread VA048 - Math Challenge #8 - HP-16C Version

PDF HP Thread VA049 - The pace of progress Exact factorials and the past

PDF HP Thread VA050 - S&SMC#9 - Question to Valentin

PDF HP Thread VA060 - S&SMC#9 Act II

PDF HP Thread VA070 - S&SMC#9 Optimized 42S 41C RPN solution

PDF HP Thread VA080 - Even More Results with Matrices

PDF HP Thread VA090 - S&SMC#10 Final Notice

PDF HP Thread VA092 - Analyzing Albillo Matrix Number 3 with the CC-40

PDF HP Thread VA093 - Radix-100 Information (Albillo matrices)

PDF HP Thread VA100 - More information on the Albillo Matrices

PDF HP Thread VA100b - How many stack levels

PDF HP Thread VA101 - New Trig Functions Program for New 12C Platinum

PDF HP Thread VA102 - Ill conditioning and calculator precision

PDF HP Thread VA103 - More on ill conditioning and calculator precision

PDF HP Thread VA103b - RPN or RPL

PDF HP Thread VA103c - Sample problems to evaluate RPL vs RPN objectively

PDF HP Thread VA104 - Even More Simultaneous Equation Solutions

PDF HP Thread VA105 - RREF on the HP-49 Revisited

PDF HP Thread VA110 - HP-15C Quicker identity-matrix program

PDF HP Thread VA115 - How does ill-conditioning happen

PDF HP Thread VA120 - Numerical integration on the 11C

PDF HP Thread VA140 - Random simulation (and stimulation)

PDF HP Thread VA150 - 7 Out Of 10

PDF HP Thread VA160 - A modest arithmetical challenge

PDF HP Thread VA170 - Non-extended BASIC programs for matrix work

PDF HP Thread VA180 - For the best of you in geometry

PDF HP Thread VA185 - Letter to the Editor of Datafile

PDF HP Thread VA187 - HPCC club and Valentin Albillo

PDF HP Thread VA190 - Are Matrices Relevant

PDF HP Thread VA195 - Testing Matrix Multi-Tool Program for HP-35s

PDF HP Thread VA200 - Solving a linear system with physical meaning

PDF HP Thread VA209 - Rank-deficient matrices

PDF HP Thread VA210 - BASIC to RPL translation

PDF HP Thread VA220 - 35s Programming need help

PDF HP Thread VA230 - Lambert W on the HP-33s

PDF HP Thread VA240 - HP67-97 RND Function

PDF HP Thread VA250 - The 7x7 Linear Equation Solver for the HP-67

PDF HP Thread VA260 - Is there any interest in HP-150 source code

PDF HP Thread VA268 - Gamma and Factorial for 12C 12CP

PDF HP Thread VA270 - 4915 digits of pi MCODE 41 19660 digits opt

PDF HP Thread VA280 - Wolfram Alpha now LIVE

PDF HP Thread VA290 - Math question

PDF HP Thread VA300 - 41C 30th Birthday Game

PDF HP Thread VA310 - Challenge Keith numbers

PDF HP Thread VA313 - Lambert W (HP-12Cp)

PDF HP Thread VA315 - HP-71 matrix methods (LU decomp)

PDF HP Thread VA320 - Numerical Integration HP TI etc

PDF HP Thread VA325 - Determinants of the AM1 matrix

PDF HP Thread VA330 - Matrix functions on the WP 34s

PDF HP Thread VA340 - Impressive TI NSpire CX CAS Multiple Integration

PDF HP Thread VA350 - Sunday Programming Challenge

PDF HP Thread VA360 - New variant Romberg Integration (sinc)

PDF HP Thread VA370 - HP71B Maths Module

PDF HP Thread VA380 - Another tough integral

PDF HP Thread VA390 - Question for Valentin Identifying Constants

PDF HP Thread VA400 - Programming challenge Euler Totient function

PDF HP Thread VA410 - WP 34S accuracy is excellent

PDF HP Thread VA420 - How to EMU71 on an Android Tablet

PDF HP Thread VA430 - Programming exercise

PDF HP Thread VA440 - Riemann Zeta Function

PDF HP Thread VA450 - Estimating accuracy in finite precision

PDF HP Thread VA600 - Can you calculate Pi using a Solver

PDF HP Thread VA605 - Estimation quiz

PDF HP Thread VA610 - Clever fast Mandelbrot - please explain

PDF HP Thread VA615 - What is the hardest (longest-running) financial calculation

PDF HP Thread VA620 - Gerson Pi Program

PDF HP Thread VA625 - An iteration produces all the prime numbers

PDF HP Thread VA630 - Valentín website update thread Comments and appreciation

PDF HP Thread VA635 - Comments and discussion on Valentin 4th Then and Now - Area

PDF HP Thread VA640 - Comments and discussion on Valentin 5th Then and Now - Roots

PDF HP Thread VA645 - Reflections on Valentin 2023 Pi day special

PDF HP Thread VA650 - Division vs DIV - Valentin findings

These articles, programs, pictures, their descriptions and other materials created by me are (c) Valentin Albillo, and can be used freely for non-profit purposes as long as (1) the contents aren't modified in any way and (2) the copyright is acknowledged. In plain words, you can download them and use them for non-profit purposes but do not include them in any media and/or site for which you're asking money, do not tamper with their contents and do not say or imply that you created them or that you don't know who created them, you must always give due credit to me.