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I'm including in this Section the covers of a selection of the manuals, books, and other documents from my own personal library. Why just the covers and not the whole books? Well, making available just the covers has its own merits, namely:

      (a)  Sharing with everyone what books I use to learn and to create all my materials you see in this site (articles, programs, challenges).
      (b)  You can see the cover and read the text in the back cover to quickly see what the book is about, what interesting things it contains.
      (c)  You can then make an informed decision on whether you want to obtain the book or not.
      (d)  If yes, you can try and obtain the book from some source (bookstore, auction, online repository, huevo de Pascua, etc.)
      (e)  Last but not least, downloading just the covers from here is much quicker.

That's value enough to me. Think of it as a display of what's in my own collection, my own references, which you can then obtain and use to enhance yours.

All PDFs here include hi-res scans of both front and back cover (sometimes just the front cover, when the back cover is blank or has no useful info) and occasionally also miscellaneous items

PDF Other Book Covers - 70 Programas Inteligentes Tomo II

(in Spanish)

PDF Other Book Covers - Advanced Programming for the 16K ZX81

The author describes techniques that can be applied to the ZX81 in order to overcome some of its inherent limitations. This involves some investigation of the ZX81’s operating system, discussion of BASIC subroutines and techniques useful in a wide range of programs, including business applications and games, as well as details of the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques to programming for the ZX81.

Later chapters in the book are devoted to the use of assembly language programming techniques, hybrid programming — mixing BASIC with machine code, and developing utility programs to suit the user’s own particular needs.

PDF Other Book Covers - Artificial Intelligence and Computer Games

This book, by the author of MUD, the world renowned multi-user adventure game, brings together the theoretical world of artificial intelligence and the practical, commercial world of computer games [...]

PDF Other Book Covers - CASIO fx-7500G Owners Manual

PDF Other Book Covers - Celestial BASIC


Explore the universe through your computer — no more hunting for your almanac, digging up that elusive astronomical magazine, or sitting down for hours of laborious calculations on your pocket calculator. This book offers programs that are useful to the serious amateur astronomer as well as the occasional stargazer [...]

PDF Other Book Covers - Construya su propio Sistema Experto

(in Spanish)

Programas en BASIC para Apple II y Sinclair Spectrum. Programas en Pascal.

Un sistema experto no es otra cosa que un programa de ordenador dotado de la experiencia humana en algun campo de conocimiento. Hay sistemas expertos que ayudan a los médicos a diagnosticar y tratar enfermedades, otros que pueden deducir estructuras quimicas [...]

PDF Other Book Covers - El Computador Pensante

(in Spanish)


La ‘inteligencia artificial’ es una rama de la informatica que investiga como aumentar el grado de inteligencia de los computadores; su campo de aplicacion lo constituye el ambito de las ciencias humanas, especialmente la logica, la linguistica y la psicologia [...] este libro es una sencilla presentacion de los principales problemas, métodos, resultados y aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial.

PDF Other Book Covers - El libro gigante de los Juegos para ordenador.pdf

(in Spanish)

Programas para ZX Spectrum, Vic-20, Commodore-64, Apple II, Dragon 32, Oric e IBM PC.

EL LIBRO GIGANTE DE LOS JUEGOS PARA ORDENADOR es una recopilacion cuidadosamente escogida de mas de 40 juegos para ordenador agrupados por temas: Juegos de Mesa, Juegos de Aventura, Simulaciones, Juegos de Dados, Inteligencia Artificial, Pura diversion, Juegos espaciales, Juegos de Concentracion.

El libro, ademas de proveer material para muchisimas horas de diversion con el ordenador, explica detalladamente las bases del diseño de juegos, comentando en cada tipo de juegos los algoritmos en los que se basan, como estan expresados en el programa y como se pueden mejorar.

PDF Other Book Covers - Getting acquainted with your ZX81

More than 80 programs. The programs vary from simple games needing little skill to quite complex ‘machine intelligent’ programs such as Draughts and Baker's Dozen. There are programs to plot curves, sort data and calculate interest on loans to fill up the gaps too.

PDF Other Book Covers - Inteligencia Artificial - Conceptos y programas

(in Spanish)

Programas para MS BASIC, Sinclair Spectrum, MSX, Amstrad, Commodore y Apple II.

La Inteligencia Artificial es el estudio de la inteligencia humana usando los métodos de la Informatica. Su objetivo es lograr que los ordenadores se comporten como si pensasen.

Este libro investiga el mundo apasionante de la inteligencia artificial con algunos de los ejemplos mas famosos: SILOGISMOS, TICTAC, BLOQUELANDIA, DOCTOR, TRADUCTOR, HANSHAW, APRENDE-SOLO [...].

PDF Other Book Covers - Inteligencia artificial con el Commodore 64

(in Spanish)

Haga pensar a su micro.

Este libro le enseñara a diseñar rutinas de Inteligencia Artificial en su propio ordenador para convertirlo en una maquina inteligente que converse con Ud., le de consejos razonables, aprenda de Ud. (y le enseñe, por supuesto) e incluso le escriba programas.

PDF Other Book Covers - Inteligencia artificial con el ZX Spectrum

(in Spanish)

Esta obra es una introduccion a las tecnicas y teorias de la Inteligencia Artificial desde los principios basicos, para hacerla asequible a los principiantes. Todo el desarrollo se ha ceñido a los aspectos de la Inteligencia Artificial que se pueden implantar con facilidad en el ZX Spectrum.

PDF Other Book Covers - Machine language programming made simple ZX81 ZX80

PDF Other Book Covers - Mastering Machine Code on your ZX81 or ZX80

Chapter titles include:

PDF Other Book Covers - Programming the Z80

This book presents a thorough introduction to machine language programming, from basic concepts to advanced data structures and techniques. Detailed illustrative examples and numerous programs show the reader how to write clear, well-organized programs in the language of the Z80.

Among the subject areas covered in PROGRAMMING THE Z80 are:

PDF Other Book Covers - Spectrum Machine Language

If you are are frustrated by the limitations of BASIC and want to write faster, more powerful, space-saving programs or subroutines, then Spectrum Machine Language For The Absolute Beginner is the book for you [...]

Each chapter includes specific examples of machine language applications which can be demonstrated and used on your Spectrum, [...] At the end of the book, all this is brought together into an entire machine language program [...] an exciting, original arcade game.

PDF Other Book Covers - Subrutinas Cientificas BASIC

(in Spanish)

Esta obra ofrece una version para microordenador de las extensas librerias de subrutinas que hay disponibles para los grandes sistemas de tiempo compartido. El lector podra encontrar las ecuaciones matematicas junto con una explicacion del fundamento teorico que le ayudara a utilizar cada subrutina como un instrumento, ademas de listados de programas.

Se incluyen subrutinas graficas, de variable compleja, de operaciones vectoriales y matriciales, generadores de numeros aleatorios y aproximaciones por desarrollo en serie.

PDF Other Book Covers - Tandy PC-8 Operation Manual

PDF Other Book Covers - The Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly

The Sinclair Spectrum is a complex microcomputer whose normal operation is controlled by the 16K ROM program that is inside every Spectrum. In this 246-page book, Dr. lan Logan and Dr. Frank O’Hara examine this program and explain exactly what it is that makes the Spectrum operate in the way that it does.

Every routine in the ROM has been disassembled and has full comments on what its function is and how it relates to the other functions in the ROM. Each aspect of the Spectrum operation is discussed in detail [...]

PDF Other Book Covers - The Complete ZX81 ROM Disassembly

The book for the programmer that needs those answers about the Timex TS1000 / Sinclair ZX81 ROM.

Dr. Logan and Dr. Frank O’Hara have examined all routines in the ROM and comment on each one. This 118-page book is a must for the experienced programmer.

PDF Other Book Covers - The Waite Group's Fractal Creations

Explore the Magic of Fractals on Your PC.

With this stimulating book/disk package you can create and play with fractals on any PC. See any of over 70 built-in fractal formulas [...] The bundled Fractint program combines the features of a fractal microscope, paint program and 3-D imaging laboratory.

Fractint lets you generate fractals, as well as manipulate, edit, alter and store them. You can even enter your own fractal formulas.

PDF Other Book Covers - The ZX81 Companion

The ZX81 Companion - The Inside Story.

If you have a Sinclair ZX81 and want to use it to its full potential then, as the experts have all agreed, this is the book for you. It contains detailed guidelines and documented programs in the areas of gaming, information retrieval and education, as well as a unique listing of the 8K ROM for machine code applications.

PDF Other Book Covers - Turbo Pascal Database Toolbox

Ready- to-use modules help you build powerful database programs in Turbo Pascal ! Includes problem-solving modules — Turbo Access, Turbo Sort — to enhance your programs.

With the Turbo Pascal Database Toolbox you can build your own powerful, professional-quality database programs. And like all other Borland Toolboxes, it’s advanced enough for professional programmers yet easy enough for beginners. See back cover.

PDF Other Book Covers - Turbo Pascal Gameworks

Build your own games using source code, secrets and strategy to three existing computer games: Turbo Chess, Turbo Bridge and Turbo Go-Moku.

Explore the world of state-of-the-art computer games with TPG. Using easy-to-understand examples, TPG teaches you theory and techniques to quickly create your own computer games. See back cover.

PDF Other Book Covers - Turbo Pascal Graphix Toolbox

An essential collection of business graphics routines for your Turbo Pascal programs.

High-resolution graphics for your IBM PS/2, PC, AT, XT, PC jr and true compatibles. Comes complete with graphics window management. See back cover.

PDF Other Book Covers - Turbo Pascal Toolbox - Numerical Methods

A complete collection of Turbo Pascal routines and programs.

Turbo Pascal Numerical Methods Toolbox implements the latest high-level mathematical methods to solve common scientific and engineering problems. Fast !. See back cover.

PDF Other Book Covers - Understanding your ZX81 ROM

Plus Special Section: How to use machine code routines in your BASIC programs. This 163-page book is yet another must for those people interested in understanding the ROM and calling its many useful machine-language routines from their own programs,

PDF Other Book Covers - ZX81 101 Programming Tips Tricks

The software ideabook, overflowing with hints, secrets, shortcuts and techniques for using the TIMEX/Sinclair 1000 and Sinclair ZX-81 computers ... with 101 complete ready-to-run programs.

Each of the 101 tips and tricks in this book features a complete, ready-to-type-and-run program which will work all by itself, or as part of a larger set of instructions. All 101 programs in this book have been thoroughly tested on the TIMEX/Sinclair 1000 and Sinclair ZX-81 computers.

These articles, programs, pictures, their descriptions and other materials created by me are (c) Valentin Albillo, and can be used freely for non-profit purposes as long as (1) the contents aren't modified in any way and (2) the copyright is acknowledged. In plain words, you can download them and use them for non-profit purposes but do not include them in any media and/or site for which you're asking money, do not tamper with their contents and do not say or imply that you created them or that you don't know who created them, you must always give due credit to me.