Valentin Albillo's HP Collection

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HP Computer Raw Scans

This Section features scans I've made of assorted documents other than Pictures or Brochures, such as booklets or bulletins. Most are part of my Project HAM, i.e., scans of 40+ year-old vintage documents not authored by me but which were sent to me back then, and due to their perceived rarity (even uniqueness right now) I'm making them available here.

I scanned most paper documents at 300 dpi, resulting in hi-res 2,552 x 3,508 PNG images, which were then converted to multi-page PDF documents with embedded OCR'd texts (e.g.: to allow for copy/paste operations). Some of them also include text pages with my own Notes, providing background info and extra details.

PDF HP Computer Raw Scan - ETI April 1980 - Report on the HP-85 (Full Scan)

We've seen hide nor hair of H.B., since he took delivery of two new machines. He's finally returned to the land of the living with his report on the new HP-85 [...]. The Dream Machine.

PDF HP Computer Raw Scan - L'Ordinateur Individuel 15 Mars 1980 - Le HP-85 au banc d'essai (Full Scan)

(10 pages, in French)

Nous avons pu disposer peu de temps apres son annonce officielle du nouveau systeme de Hewlett-Packard. Equipe d'un BASIC etendu mais special, le HP-85 propose en echange d'un cheque de 21 000 FF ttc un systeme complet et integre, comportant un clavier, un petit ecran graphique, une cassette digitale et une imprimante thermique.

Aucune modification de la machine elle-meme n'est possible, mais les posibilites d'extension par le bus IEEE compensent largement cette petite restriction.

PDF HP Computer Raw Scan - NEWS80S - HP-86-87 Assembler Breakpoint (Full Scan)

NEWS80S - Issue Number 9. The following assembly language routine is meant to be used as a program development and debugging tool for HP-86/87 programmers who don't own a systems monitor ROM.

After debugging of the binary program, references to this subroutine and the subroutine itself can be eliminated and the binary can be re-assembled into a "production” version.

PDF HP Computer Raw Scan - NEWS80S - The Productivity Pac Binary Keywords (Full Scan)

HIDDEN POWER: The Productivity Pac's Binary Keywords

Now that the HP Productivity Pac has become such a popular item, a lot of HP owners have at their disposal an added bonus that they may not be aware of. This bonus is a set of very useful new binary programs. The 'BIG THREE' among these programs are "FILE/80BIN", "STEVIE" and "BIN24", which are found on the "FILE/80" disk.

This article discusses some of the keywords that drive the "FILE/80" program, and the major program examined is "FILE/80BIN". The new BASIC keywords supplied by this program fall into several categories, but the most interesting ones are implementations of new disk operating routines, some new array sorting routines and general system enhancements.

Here is the entire list of new FILE/80BIN keywords: [...]

PDF HP Computer Raw Scan - NEWS80S Issue 5 (Full Scan)

NEWS80S - For HP Series 80 Users.


      * The HP-85 Advanced Programming ROM
      * 400 Billion Errors of Division
      * Series 80 Country - We Visit HP in Corvallis
      * Feedback

PDF HP Computer Raw Scan - NEWS80S Issue 6 (Full Scan)

NEWS80S - For HP Series 80 Users.


      * ANATOMY OF A BINARY — A technical Primer - The start of a series on machine language for the Series 80.
      * FILE-IT VS. CARDFILE: Why pay $100 for something ‘free’ ?
      * MENU’D Part One - A program that writes program routines.

PDF HP Computer Raw Scan - Prof Computing V1N1 1984 - Series 80 Talks Back (Full Scan)

The new HP speech synthesis module for Series 80 was designed for both the serious software writer and the hobbyist.

We'll talk about a software/hardware approach to speech synthesis using the new HP 82967A Speech Synthesis Module for HP Series 80 personal computers. This module was designed to meet the needs of both the serious software writer and the hobbyist. Enough software and documentation is available for a wide variety of speech synthesis tasks.

PDF HP Computer Raw Scan - Prof Computing V1N4 1984 - HP-86 Gold in them Disks (Full Scan)

Unless you've studied the HP 86 demonstration disk, you're in for a pleasant surprise — your 86 is more powerful than you think. Best of all, this extra power is free, or at least won’t cost you more than you've already spent.

The extra power comes from the binary routines on the demo disk. The demonstration disk that comes with your 86 or 87 contains four binary programs: Util/1, Getsave, Gdump and Askiob.

PDF HP Computer Raw Scan - Which Micro - Jan 1983 - HP-86 - ZX - more (Full Scan)

A 16-page excerpt which includes a number of articles, brochures, etc. on various topics, such as the cover story on Computer Education "How useful is it ?", a Hardware Review on the HP-86 "Expensive - Is it worth it ?", an adds for HP Personal Computers, SHARP PC-1500, ZX Spectrum, America's Sinclair 1000 (aka ZX81 with twice the memory) and other ZX topics (databases, software.)

Don't miss a full-page add titled "A Hard Disc for ₤995" and, guess what you get for that much money ? Well, I'm not spoiling the fun, see it for yourself !

These articles, programs, pictures, their descriptions and other materials created by me are (c) Valentin Albillo, and can be used freely for non-profit purposes as long as (1) the contents aren't modified in any way and (2) the copyright is acknowledged. In plain words, you can download them and use them for non-profit purposes but do not include them in any media and/or site for which you're asking money, do not tamper with their contents and do not say or imply that you created them or that you don't know who created them, you must always give due credit to me.