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This Section features scans I've made of assorted documents other than Pictures or Brochures, such as booklets or bulletins. Most are part of my Project HAM, i.e., scans of 40+ year-old vintage documents not authored by me but which were sent to me back then, and due to their perceived rarity (even uniqueness right now) I'm making them available here.

I scanned most paper documents at 300 dpi, resulting in hi-res 2,552 x 3,508 PNG images, which were then converted to multi-page PDF documents with embedded OCR'd texts (e.g.: to allow for copy/paste operations). Some of them also include text pages with my own Notes, providing background info and extra details.

PDF Other Raw Scan - A Morse Tutor using the ZX81 (Full Scan)

One of the biggest problems facing the aspiring Class-A licensee is simply getting enough code practice, at the right speed and at a convenient time.

This article describes how to get the ZX81 to send Morse, and how to use this to make a Morse tutor, a Morse keyboard and even a memory keyer for meteor-scatter work. All the programs will run on the basic machine without additional memory.

PDF Other Raw Scan - BYTE V6N1 January 1981 - Hand-Held Computers (Full Scan)

This meaty 16-page excerpt from BYTE V6N1 January 1981 includes the Editorial, "The Hand-Held Computer" and the very interesting full article "The Panasonic and Quasar Hand-Held Computers - Beginning a New Generation of Consumer Computers".

The article discusses at great length these two models and ends with a nearly full page on the TRS-80 Pocket Computer (aka SHARP PC-1211), which includes a description of what tasks each of its two 4-bit microprocessors are assigned to, and other interesting details.

All three models are featured on the front cover. As far as I remember, the Panasonic and the Quasar (virtually the same model), even though more powerful and sophisticated, failed to make much of an impact, while the comparatively modest SHARP PC-1211 gave rise to an extremely successful and extended family of ever-improving Pocket Computers, which became very popular in Japan and Europe (Germany in particular.)

Last but nor least, the excerpt also includes another article, "Numerical Analysis for the TRS-80 Pocket Computer", which features a discrete-Fourier-transform program, and another program that computes the time-domain response of a system with a given transfer function.

PDF Other Raw Scan - BYTE V6N1 January 1981 - Sinclair ZX80 System Review (Full Scan)

The Sinclair Research ZX80. The new ZX80 microcomputer from Sinclair Research Ltd is a remarkable device. Although first announced to the North American public in February, 1980, the microcomputer did not become available until the fall.

During the wait, the price has dropped from the expected $245 to just under $200. Because of this, the ZX80 is being widely advertised as the first personal computer for under $200. Can it be any good if it sells for under $200 ? This is a reasonable question, but the question that is most important when buying a computer is, “Will it do the job I want it to do ?”

PDF Other Raw Scan - Eight Bit Issue 02 - Tips and Tricks (Full Scan)

This is the full Issue 2 "The Tips'n'Tricks Special" of Eight BIT "THE MAGAZINE FOR COLLECTORS AND USERS OF 8-BIT COMPUTERS", November 2016

"Welcome to the second issue of Eight Bit Magazine. The support we received over the past two issues is nothing short of spectacular. In fact, it’s as spectacular as the 8-bit retro scene has been in the past few weeks. With so many new games and hardware projects, it beginning to feel like the good old days again."


PDF Other Raw Scan - El Mundo del ZX81 V2N1 1983

(36 pages, in Spanish)

EL MUNDO DEL ZX81. Boletin Interno Bimensual del Club Nacional de Usuarios del ZX81. Vol.2 Nº 1. Enero/Febrero 1983.

SUMARIO: Portada, Editorial, Club, Apuntes de programacion, Biblioteca de programas, Programa, Humos, El Rincon del Codigo Maquina, Bibliografia, Software, Hardware, JUPITER ACE, etc.

PDF Other Raw Scan - Interface V2N7 March 1982 (Full Scan)

(24 pages, 12.935.462 bytes)

At the beginning of 1981 I bought a Sinclair ZX81, a true computer at last (not a slow pocket computer or even slower glorified calculator,) which I could program in a nice version of BASIC and, most importantly, in Z80A machine language. I could also connect it to a TV for a full-screen 24-line display (not a puny 1-line/4-line LCD one,) to create and run fast video games.

To complement it and learn the tricks of the trade as fast as possible, I subscribed to INTERFACE, a very nice monthly magazine full of all kinds of programs, code snippets, tricks, the works !

Even the adds were mostly very interesting and I bought a number of the products offered (including the book reviewed in this issue, "The Soul of a New Machine",) so here you are, a full 24-page issue for you to see how exciting it all was, kinda PPC in its good times.

INTERFACE - The monthly magazine for ZX80, ZX81, Atom and BBC Microcomputer. March 1982, Volume 2, Issue 7


            ● We review ‘The Soul of a New Machine’
            ● A host of new games for the Acorn Atom
            ● Memotech memory expansion unit reviewed
            ● ZX Education with Eric Deeson
            ● More tricks for your ZX printer

PDF Other Raw Scan - Interface V2N9 May 1982 (Full Scan)

(24+1 pages, 21,805,730 bytes)

At the beginning of 1981 I bought a Sinclair ZX81 and to complement it and learn the tricks of the trade as fast as possible I subscribed to INTERFACE, the monthly magazine published by The National ZX Users’ Club for ZX80, ZX81 and ZX Spectrum.

The May 1982, Volume 2, Issue 9 featured here contains a host of programs for Spectrum, ZX81 and ZX80. Also included is the 1-page leaflet


which includes relevant info and a nice sample ZX81 program.

PDF Other Raw Scan - L'Ordinateur Individuel 20 Sept 1980 - Le ZX-80 au banc d'essai (Full Scan)

(6 pages, in French)

Le ZX-80 est sans nul doute un excellent outil d'initiation. Sa documentation a été conçue dans cette optique: plus qu'un ensemble de recettes de programmation, elle expose simplement la méthode de l'analyse informatique qu’ignorent beaucoup d’utilisateurs d’ordinateurs individuels.

Bien qu’il doive figurer un jour pres des jeux électroniques, le ZX-80 n’est pas un jouet: il n'émet pas de bruits bizarres et de dessins futuristes, sa conception et sa fiabilité sont tout a fait professionnelles.

PDF Other Raw Scan - Sinclair User June 1982

14-page excerpt, includes the following:

      Early promise is shown by colourful Spectrum.
            R. B. looks at Sinclair Research's new ZX Spectrum and finds it incredible value at £125.

      Plotting a course for growth.
            E. J. talks to Nigel Searle, new chief of Sinclair's Computer Division.

      Sinclair ZX81 Personal Computer - the heart of a system that grows with you.

      Machine code complex.
            M. B. works out a more complex routine which could have a number of applications.

      Assorted ads: books, ZX80 and ZX81.

PDF Other Raw Scan - Your Computer 1983 - Assorted ZX articles (Full Scan)

10 pages, includes the following:

      - A model universe  (ZX Spectrum, BASIC)
      - 1K Chess  (ZX81, machine language, illustrates the move logic)
      - Space Invaders  (ZX81, machine language)
      - Speed and Screen  (ZX81, machine language, implements a new mode mix of SLOW and FAST)
      - Compression of text  (ZX81, BASIC and machine language)

PDF Other Raw Scan - Your Computer 1983 - ZX81 GT Compiler (Full Scan)

ZX81 GT Compiler (11 pages).

This compiler by David Threlfall will speed up BASIC programs by as much as 60 times. The aim of this short series is to explain how it is possible to write a compiler for a machine as small as the ZX81.

We will look at the way that some of the BASIC statements are translated — compiled — into machine code, and then go on to discuss extending the simple compiler to encompass string handling, multiple arrays and full variable names.

PDF Other Raw Scan - ZXZINE 01 August 2015

(12 pages, full issue)

In this issue:

These articles, programs, pictures, their descriptions and other materials created by me are (c) Valentin Albillo, and can be used freely for non-profit purposes as long as (1) the contents aren't modified in any way and (2) the copyright is acknowledged. In plain words, you can download them and use them for non-profit purposes but do not include them in any media and/or site for which you're asking money, do not tamper with their contents and do not say or imply that you created them or that you don't know who created them, you must always give due credit to me.