Valentin Albillo's HP Collection

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HP Calculators

HP Calculator Brochures

Here you'll find a set of brochures I've collected over the years featuring HP calculators. Enjoy!

P.S.: Fortunately, I've regained my scanning capabilities, so in addition to the existing pics (which will be kept, as they're much smaller) you'll eventually find here the full brochures as PDF documents, whose pages are 2,500 x 3,300 PNG images scanned at 300 dpi or better. Enjoy !

P.S. 2: All titles ending in Full Brochure are part of my Project HAM.

JPG HP Brochure VA003 - It Tells the Time Too

8-page, awesome HP brochure featuring the HP-01, an incredibly expensive watch cum calculator which HP released in two versions, gold and steel as a luxury item, if also a very capable one.

This high-quality brochure perfectly fits the expensive item and does include very nice, colorful pictures, see-through holes cut in all pages but the back cover, and tons of information. Inside pages.
Full brochure available in the very next link.

PDF HP Brochure VA004 - It Tells the Time Too - Full brochure

(6 pages, 9.418.281 bytes, in French)

HP-01. ... et en plus il donne l'heure !

PDF HP Brochure VA005 - HP-01 Una nueva gran aventura - Full brochure

(12 pages, 9.069.011 bytes, in Spanish)

El increible HP-01 de Hewlett-Packard. Una nueva gran aventura en el tiempo.

JPG HP Brochure VA010 - Pyramid

22-page, nice HP brochure featuring most vintage HP calculator models, including the HP-21, HP-22, HP-25, HP-45, HP-55, HP-65 and HP-80, 2 pages for each plus a final 2-page table summarizing the features of every model in a tabular form suitable for quick comparisons. Front cover.

PDF HP Brochure VA011 - Pyramid - Full brochure

(20 pages, 10.405.097 bytes, in Spanish)

HP's vintage line of Pocket Calculators. It features images and full information on the HP-21, HP-22, HP-25, HP-45, HP-55, HP-65 and HP-80.

PDF HP Brochure VA012 - HP-21-80 Tabla de caracteristicas - Full brochure

(in Spanish)

Desde el primer modelo de calculadora de bolsillo, HP se propuso crear una familia de excelentes instrumentos de precision, con un diseño y una calidad que las convirtieran en herramientas realmente utiles para sus propietarios cumpliendo requisitos que no podian cumplir otros instrumentos existentes.

Elija el modelo que elija, puede estar seguro de que es un soberbio instrumento de precision, construido para servirle con completa fiabilidad. Incluye la HP-21, HP-22, HP-25, HP-45, HP-55, HP-65 y HP-80

PDF HP Brochure VA015 - An Unhurried Look at HP Calculators - Full brochure

Table of Contents:

JPG HP Brochure VA020 - The Logical Choice

16-page HP brochure focused in dispelling the myth that RPN is complex to learn and use. It includes excerpts of unsolicited letters from HP owners (including a 13-yo's) and clearly explains via examples how easy and efficient RPN actually is.

It also features a Buyer's Guide which introduces the six main functionality groups of HP calcs with pictures of no less than 11 models from the very basic HP-10 to the powerful HP-97. Front cover.

JPG HP Brochure VA022 - The Logical Choice

16-page HP brochure focused in dispelling the myth that RPN is complex to learn and use. See full description in the links above. Inside pages.

JPG HP Brochure VA024 - The Logical Choice

16-page HP brochure focused in dispelling the myth that RPN is complex to learn and use. See full description in the links above. Inside pages.

PDF HP Brochure VA026 - The Logical Choice - Full brochure

The Students' Choice... The Professionals' Choice... The Logical Choice.

What Features... What Functions... What Model ? Don't Worry, It's a Hewlett-Packard.

JPG HP Brochure VA030 - Finding Your Way

4+-page HP brochure titled "Finding Your Way Through The Advanced Personal Calculator Maze" and it features just that, an actual maze you must try and solve, the solution to both the maze and the problem of choosing a calculator being provided inside. Really nice, fun and colorful, pretty good marketing if you ask me. Front cover.

JPG HP Brochure VA032 - Finding Your Way

4-plus-page HP brochure titled "Finding Your Way Through The Advanced Personal Calculator Maze". See full description in the links above. Inside pages.

PDF HP Brochure VA035 - The Advanced Personal Calculator Maze - Full brochure

Finding your way through the advanced personal calculator maze.

Getting On The Right Path. Keeping Score. Checking Your Solution.

JPG HP Brochure VA040 - The First Family

Foldable HP brochure titled "The First Family of Calculators", includes descriptions, pictures, prices and a Buyer's Guide featuring 9 classic HP calculators ranging from the HP-21 to the HP-97 as well as 8 Application Packs for the HP-67/97 and optional accessories. Front cover.

JPG HP Brochure VA042 - The First Family

Foldable HP brochure titled "The First Family of Calculators". See full description in the links above. Inside pages.

JPG HP Brochure VA044 - The First Family

Foldable HP brochure titled "The First Family of Calculators". See full description in the links above. Inside pages.

JPG HP Brochure VA046 - The First Family

Foldable HP brochure titled "The First Family of Calculators". See full description in the links above. Inside pages.

PDF HP Brochure VA048 - The First Family of Calculators - Full brochure

Hewlett-Packard - The First Family of Calculators.

A buyer’s guide to Hewlett-Packard pocket-sized computer calculators.

JPG HP Brochure VA050 - HP31E-32E-33E

Foldable HP brochure titled "HP-31E 32E 33E", includes full descriptions, pictures and specifications of 3 Spice Series HP calculators, namely the HP-31E, HP-32E and HP-33E. Front cover.

PDF HP Brochure VA052 - HP-31E-32E-33E - Full brochure

(8x2 pages, in Spanish)

HP-31E, 32E, 33E. Tres nuevas calculadoras cientificas para la generacion del ordenador.

      HP-31E Calculadora Cientifica.
      HP-32E Calculadora Cientifica Avanzada.
      HP-33E Calculadora Cientifica Programable.

JPG HP Brochure VA060 - HP37E-38E

Foldable HP brochure titled "HP-37E 38E", includes full descriptions, pictures and specifications of 2 Spice Series HP calculators, namely the HP-37E and HP-38E. Front cover.

PDF HP Brochure VA062 - HP-37E-38E Nuevas calculadoras para negocios - Full brochure

(8x2 pages, 10.065.411 bytes, in Spanish)

Le presentamos la nueva generacion de calculadoras para negocios de Hewlett-Packard.

      La HP-37E para la Gestion Comercial.
      La HP-38E Financiera Programable Avanzada.

PDF HP Brochure VA064 - HP-37E-38E - Full brochure

(8x2 pages, in Spanish)

Calculadoras financieras de la era del ordenador HP-37E y HP-38E

      HP-37E Calculadora Financiera.
      HP-38E Calculadora Financiera Avanzada Programable.

JPG HP Brochure VA070 - HP-41C

24-page HP brochure titled "HP-41C", which includes a really very comprehensive and thorough description of the HP-41C and its peripherals and add-ons, such as the plug-in RAM and ROM Application Modules, the card reader, printer and wand. It also includes lots of pictures, display captures and examples.

This is the one brochure that made me crave for an HP-41C at the time. Front cover.

PDF HP Brochure VA071 - HP-41C - Full brochure

(12x2 pages, 15.015.490 bytes, in Spanish)

HP-41C. De Hewlett-Packard. El primer sistema de calculo, personal, flexible, ampliable.

PDF HP Brochure VA077 - Just Aim and Print - Full brochure

Our HP-41 Advanced Calculator is a powerful tool for solving problems in engineering, science and math. And now you can back that power with quick, convenient printouts - anytime, anywhere!

The HP-41 can now operate HP's revolutionary new Infrared Printer. All it takes is a small module that plugs into the calculator and you're in business. You'll love the convenience - no cables, no cords. No strings attached.

JPG HP Brochure VA100 - HP-35

4-page HP brochure titled "HP-35", includes full description, pictures and specifications of the HP-35, the most powerful electronic calculator at the time bar none, intended as a replacement for slide rules which, frankly, beat the dust in comparison and saw the beginning of their quick and utter demise. Front cover.

PDF HP Brochure VA101 - HP-35 - Full brochure

(4 pages, 8.204.171 bytes, in Spanish)

Un nuevo calculador de bolsillo con las funciones matematicas mas complicadas incorporadas. Para el cientifico. Para el ingeniero. Para cualquiera que precise calculos complejos y respuestas rapidas.

PDF HP Brochure VA102 - HP-35 Una computadora en su bolsillo - Full brochure

(in Spanish)


¡ SI ! CON EL"H.P-35" LA REGLA DE CALCULO ELECTRONICA que posee las ventajas esenciales de una pequeña computadora: Rapidez.. Potencia.. Precision.. y... cabe en el bolsillo.

No sea un hombre del pasado.... Evolucione...... y Revolucione su trabajo con el "H.P.-35". El amigo inseparable del hombre del mañana.

PDF HP Brochure VA103 - HP-25 - Full brochure

(4 pages, in Spanish)

Ahora, el HP-25 de Hewlett-Packard Calculador científico de bolsillo programable.

El novisimo calculador programable cientifico HP-25 de Hewlett-Packard a un precio economico... con nuevas funciones que ahorran un tiempo precioso.

PDF HP Brochure VA105 - HP-45 - Full brochure

(6 pages, in Spanish)

Hewlett-Packard HP-45 Calculadora de bolsillo avanzada para uso cientifico.

La HP-45 lo dejara libre de largas tareas. La HP-45 le ayudara a resolver complejos problemas matematicos con velocidad, exactitud y facilidad sin precedentes. La calculadora cientifica de bolsillo HP-45 tiene mayor capacidad de uso que cualquiera otra calculadora de su clase.

PDF HP Brochure VA106 - HP-55 - Full brochure

(in Spanish, scanned by Fernando del Rey)

HP-55. Funciones, memoria, programacion, cronometro: capacidad suficiente para un alto nivel de resolucion de problemas. Esta calculadora es capaz de resolver cualquier problema cientifico o de ingenieria.

PDF HP Brochure VA108 - HP-55 Nuevo calculador cientifico programable - Full brochure

(8 pages, 15.744.213 bytes, in Spanish)

El nuevo calculador cientifico programable HP-55. Programable. Super potente.

JPG HP Brochure VA110 - HP-65

4-page HP brochure titled "HP-65", includes full description, pictures and specifications of the HP-65, the most powerful programmable calculator at the time, a real (if very expensive) marvel which introduced true, significant computing power for those fortunate enough to be able to afford one, and handheld to boot. Front cover.

PDF HP Brochure VA112 - HP-65 - Full brochure

(in Spanish, scanned by Fernando del Rey)

Calculadora de bolsillo enteramente programable. Tan universal en aplicaciones como una computadora, tan facil de utilizar como una calculadora.

Soluciones siempre exactas e instantaneas a los problemas mas complejos: esto es programacion. Y, en una méaquina que cabe en una mano, que puede ser programada mediante el teclado, o en segundos, a través de poderosos programas pregrabados.

PDF HP Brochure VA115 - HP-67-97 - Full brochure

(in Spanish)

HP-67 La nueva calculadora de bolsillo enteramente programable.
HP-97 La nueva calculadora con impresora, enteramente programable.

Usted puede escribir programas desde el primer momento. Excepcional poder de programacion y facilidad en calculos largos o repetitivos

PDF HP Brochure VA119 - HP-67 Soporte Completo de Software - Full brochure

(in Spanish, scanned by Fernando del Rey)

HP-67/HP-97 Soporte Completo de Software.

Los paquetes de aplicacion de HP le permiten resolver una gran variedad de problemas en un tiempo record. La solucion que necesita puede encontrarla en los paquetes de aplicacion de HP, que le permiten aprovechar de inmediato toda la potencia de calculo de la HP-67 y HP-97.

PDF HP Brochure VA120 - HP-70 - 1-8 - Full brochure

(in Spanish, scanned by Fernando del Rey)

HP-70 Nueva calculadora electronica de bolsillo, unica en su clase, para operaciones comerciales, fabricada por Hewlett-Packard.

Con este magnifico instrumento Ud. puede simplificar y mejorar sus calculos relacionados con dinero y tiempo.

PDF HP Brochure VA130 - HP-71B Una Genialidad Portatil - Full brochure

(4 pages, 4.896.786 bytes, in Spanish)

HP-71B Una Genialidad Portatil. Potente, portatil, ampliable, y ademas, en BASIC.

PDF HP Brochure VA135 - More Memory for the HP-71B - Full brochure

Upgrade your Hewlett-Packard HP-71 hand held computer instantly!

Hand Held Products has responded to the clamor of all HP-71 users who need more memory. The HP-71 is a strong tool for a host of applications but is limited to only 17.5K of RAM. With increased memory, the HP-71 is transformed into a powerhouse whose potential is finally realized!

PDF HP Brochure VA136 - HP-75C Portable Computer - Full brochure

(32 pages, scanned by M. Brennan)

The HP-75 Portable Computer - You Can Take It Anywhere.

The HP-75 is the portable computer for professionals on the move. As powerful as a personal computer, as small as a book, the HP-75 gives you the answers you need wherever and whenever you need them.

      HP-75 Key Features
      HP-75 Hardware Overview
      HP-75 Software Overview
      HP-75 Hardware
      HP Peripherals
      HP Instruments
      HP Interfaces
      HP-75 Software
      HP-75 Solutions Books

PDF HP Brochure VA137 - HP-75C Portable Computing System - Full brochure

(8 pages, scanned by M. Brennan)

Here's How An HP-75C Portable Computing System Can Help You !

PDF HP Brochure VA140 - Calculadoras para Matematicas Ciencias e Ingenieria - Full brochure

(in Spanish)

Calculadoras para matematicas, ciencias e ingenieria. Calculadoras graficas y cientificas de Hewlett-Packard.

      Calculadora cientifica HP 20S.
      Calculadora cientifica programable HP 32SII RPN.
      Calculadora grafica HP-38G.
      Calculadora grafica HP 48G RPN.
      Calculadora grafica ampliable HP 48GX RPN.

Elija la que mas le guste; habra elegido lo mejor.

PDF HP Brochure VA141 - Calculadoras cientificas - Full brochure

(in Spanish)

Calculadoras cientificas

Informacion sobre las calculadoras científicas hp 9s, hp 30s y hp 33s

PDF HP Brochure VA142 - Calculadoras comerciales - Full brochure

(in Spanish)

Calculadoras financieras y comerciales. SI ES EN SERIO, TIENE QUE SER HP.

Durante los ultimos 25 años, Hewlett-Packard ha desarrollado calculadoras financieras que son consideradas como las mejores por profesionales en todo el mundo. Hoy, HP sigue ofreciendo una gama completa de calculadoras financieras diseñadas para facilitarle la realizacion de sus tareas cotidianas.

PDF HP Brochure VA143 - Calculadoras financieras - Full brochure

(8 pages, in Spanish)

Calculadoras HP: la calidad en la que puede confiar

Calculadoras financieras:

PDF HP Brochure VA144 - Calculadoras graficas - Full brochure

(8 pages, in Spanish)

Calculadoras HP: la calidad en la que puede confiar

Calculadoras graficas:

PDF HP Brochure VA145 - Calculadoras Personales (con precios) - Full brochure

(6 pages, in Spanish)

HP Calculadoras Personales - Las maquinas para hacer carrera

Features the HP-31E, HP-32E, HP-33E/33C, HP-34C, HP-37E and HP-38E/38C.

My friend Fernando del Rey promoted and sold those calculators while at University and he gave samples of this brochure to everyone there, marked with some notes, contact info, and the special discounted price (Precios Especiales "Universidad") handwritten next to each model, in Spanish currency (Pts), so you can see the relative prices (and the absolute ones as well if you care to convert 1980-era Pts. to your local currency).

PDF HP Brochure VA146 - Calculadoras Personales (sin precios) - Full brochure

(6 pages, in Spanish)

HP Calculadoras Personales - Las maquinas para hacer carrera

Features the HP-31E, HP-32E, HP-33E/33C, HP-34C, HP-37E and HP-38E/38C.

Same brochure as the previous one above but perfectly clean, no handwritten prices.

PDF HP Brochure VA150 - A Wealth of Accessories - Full brochure

A Wealth of Accessories to Complement Series 10, the HP-41, HP-71 and Peripherals.

      Series 10 Professional Calculators.
      HP-41C/CV/CX Advanced Programmable Calculators.
      HP-71 Handheld Computer.

PDF HP Brochure VA155 - HP Calculators Product Guide - Full brochure

(8 pages, scanned by Helena Freilich)

Anywhere, Anytime, Any Stage of Life.

Reward yourself with powerful and stylish solutions that make your life more simple, productive and beautiful. HP Calculators offer intuitive, easy-to-learn and use solutions that give you accurate and reliable answers you can depend on.

This brochure features the following models:

PDF HP Brochure VA158 - HP35s Specifications - Full brochure

(2 pages, scanned by Helena Freilich)

HP 35s Scientific Calculator.

Get professional performance from the ultimate RPN scientific programmable calculator. Switch between RPN and algebraic entry-system logic at any time. The HP 35s features a two-line display, and the powerful HP Solve application.

PDF HP Brochure VA160 - HP-67 Application Pacs - Full brochure

(2 pages, scanned by Fernando del Rey)

HP-67/HP-97 Application Pacs.

Based on years of experience in developing software for fully programmable pocket calculators, Hewlett-Packard offers a wide range of application pacs to give instant utility value to your HP-67 or HP-97 (six pacs listed here).

These articles, programs, pictures, their descriptions and other materials created by me are (c) Valentin Albillo, and can be used freely for non-profit purposes as long as (1) the contents aren't modified in any way and (2) the copyright is acknowledged. In plain words, you can download them and use them for non-profit purposes but do not include them in any media and/or site for which you're asking money, do not tamper with their contents and do not say or imply that you created them or that you don't know who created them, you must always give due credit to me.