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Sharp Pocket Computers

Sharp Book Reviews

This Section includes my reviews of books in my personal library about SHARP Pocket Computers (or their identical Tandy TRS-80 rebranded clones) which I own, explaining in detail their contents as well as my overall evaluation of their style, presentation and, most importantly, usefulness to the casual and advanced user. Pictures of their front and back covers are also featured.

JPG SHARP Book Review VA001 - Problem Solving on the TRS-80 Pocket Computer (Front Cover)

Front cover of the book Problem Solving on the TRS-80 Pocket Computer by Don Inman and Jim Conlan, a self-teaching guide for readers to thoroughly get to know and efficiently use the Pocket Computer.

See the link below for my 6-page comprehensive review of the book itself.

JPG SHARP Book Review VA001 - Problem Solving on the TRS-80 Pocket Computer (Back Cover)

Back cover of the book Problem Solving on the TRS-80 Pocket Computer by Don Inman and Jim Conlan, a self-teaching guide for readers to thoroughly get to know and efficiently use the Pocket Computer.

See the link below for my 6-page comprehensive review of the book itself.

PDF SHARP Book Review VA001 - Problem Solving on the TRS-80 Pocket Computer

This is my 6-page comprehensive review of the book Problem Solving on the TRS-80 Pocket Computer by Don Inman and Jim Conlan, a self-teaching guide for readers to thoroughly get to know and efficiently use the title pocket computer but equally valid for the SHARP models PC-1210, PC-1211 and PC-1212.

All 12 Chapters and 5 Appendices are reviewed in detail, then I give my final Conclusion. See the links immediately above this one for larger pictures of the front and back covers.

JPG SHARP Book Review VA002 - 119 Practical Programs for the TRS-80 Pocket Computer (Front Cover)

Front cover of the book 119 Practical Programs for the TRS-80 Pocket Computer by John Clark Craig, a compendium of short BASIC programs.

See the link below for my 5-page comprehensive review of the book itself.

JPG SHARP Book Review VA002 - 119 Practical Programs for the TRS-80 Pocket Computer (Back Cover)

Back cover of the book 119 Practical Programs for the TRS-80 Pocket Computer by John Clark Craig, a compendium of short BASIC programs.

See the link below for my 5-page comprehensive review of the book itself.

PDF SHARP Book Review VA002 - 119 Practical Programs for the TRS-80 Pocket Computer

This is my 5-page comprehensive review of the book 119 Practical Programs for the TRS-80 Pocket Computer by John Clark Craig, a compendium of short BASIC programs (less than 20 lines of code) for the title pocket computer, equally valid for the SHARP models PC-1210, PC-1211 (the title TRS-80 model is an identical rebranded clone of this original one, down to the yellow LCD display) and PC-1212 (same model but with a more standard grey LCD display replacing the original yellow one).

The review includes a table with the names of all 118 programs in the book (the remaining one is a trivial launcher), color-coded by groups, as well as details about every section and Appendix and my final Conclusion. See the links immediately above this one for larger pictures of the front and back covers.

These articles, programs, pictures, their descriptions and other materials created by me are (c) Valentin Albillo, and can be used freely for non-profit purposes as long as (1) the contents aren't modified in any way and (2) the copyright is acknowledged. In plain words, you can download them and use them for non-profit purposes but do not include them in any media and/or site for which you're asking money, do not tamper with their contents and do not say or imply that you created them or that you don't know who created them, you must always give due credit to me.